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Welcome to sunyabuddhi

Updated: Sep 21, 2021

“If you ask me what I think, and what I have to say; one must sit with me in silence, for only That could I convey.”

I believe the unperfected human life tirelessly necessitates the need for verity. It is re-consecration to spiritual values which duly merits the consideration of any thoughtful and rational person who looks finally at himself to solve his own problems. Moreover, this need is remarkably evidenced by those who find themselves in the spirit of personal emergency while simultaneously confronting the crises of an overtly materialistic world pattern. For the only solution to material problems are spiritual facts. I also believe that the human being comes out of this world primarily for one reason and one purpose, namely, to learn and to grow. When values that are true have been ensouled then this in turn inevitably implies the natural fulfillment of all purposeful human endeavor. In nature, anything which ceases to grow must perish. Nowhere does consciousness preserve crystallization of patterns within or of itself.

Insight into the fact that the nature of existence itself is based on relationship, not duality but polarity, is the ground upon which the tacit understanding of unity rests. Regardless of one’s present degree of illumination or attainments in erudition, so long as one is still alive and still here, one shall keep the privilege and the right to grow as an individual. And irrespective of anyone’s assumed or actual enlightenment, and the levels or degrees thereof, none can avoid participation in the great school of life. For if we were perfect, we simply would not be here. On the plane of time, as Da Vinci observed, the greatest tragedy is to waste it. On the plane of eternity, one life is like one day in school, and we are therefore here to get it right.

Thus we are all here for the same essential reasons and purposes. And although the poet cannot be compared with the physician, or the merchant with the mathematician, all different persons exist only by virtue of agreement with the same Universal Laws. And, by means of which, every man, woman, and child, lives and moves and has their being. Superiority and inferiority are not taught in accordance with the Real. Therefore all people, regardless of their vocations, interests, and aspirations, contribute good equally according to the will of nature. Verily, I cannot escape from this responsibility any more than the shoemaker, the tree, the mosquito, or the grain of sand. “My daily activities are not unusual, I am just naturally in harmony with them, grasping nothing, discarding nothing. Supernatural power and marvelous activity; drawing water and carrying firewood.”

If our world is to make genuine progress in the right direction it must begin with the animation of value and the application of virtue. Steady progress means the consistent building of integrity and improvement of integration within the person, as the world is not comprised of states and nations but individuals. It is only patterns that are right and processes that are real which cause humanity to lead itself towards that condition in which absolute concord and absolute brotherhood become realities. Bringing the world finally to lasting peace and security. It takes nothing more or less than a sincere dedication to Truth. We have the right to be right and we make the choice not to exercise it, but nature intends otherwise. Humanity will ultimately learn, through its own ignorance by means of its own suffering, that the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man is not some idealistic platitude, but a practical and necessary principle, conviction, and attitude.

The integrity in man is the measure by which he may view a situation either as an oppression or as an opportunity, as a disaster or a deliberate manifestation of Lawfulness. Through purposeful living and thoughtful adjustment to conditions, one can avoid useless attitudes which bind him in futility as a hopeless victim of circumstance. When facing a dilemma, if instead of saying “I despise it,” he said, “I did it,” and instead of, “I do not forgive them,” said, “I do not understand them,” then he discovers that humility is of far greater value to him than hostility ever could be, or ever was. Seneca said, “There are more things that frighten us than injure us, and we suffer more in imagination than in reality. He also pointed out, “If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable.”

When man devotes himself finally to Truth, he derives new energy from the ability to view current events illuminated by the enduring principles of philosophy. Plotinus called this spiritual journey the "Flight of the alone to the alone," which manifests itself through rational inquiry. Little by little everyone can achieve greater emotional security and happiness, mental peace and freedom of soul. That is, providing he expects no more, and accepts no less. These integrities manifest naturally through one’s ceaseless practice and training. Within the inner life of the individual must be built a personal philosophy upon the foundations of integrity, justice, virtue, love, and truth. And when enough of said individuals have done so these persons consequently become majority. Only then will necessary corrections and improvements manifest in the world without.

To help and assist the individual to achieve these ends is fulfillment of the whole of sunyabuddhi’s mission. For I believe wholeheartedly that each step forward in world betterment for humanity in the mass, begins with stimulation of the separate individual to higher thinking and better living. These principles vitalize the reason for creating sunyabuddhi and the purpose underlying it, namely, to love the Beautiful, serve the Good, and venerate the One. Its emphasis is almost wholly on the necessity for a practical understanding of life's spiritual values. It is these values within man that must be cultivated for his growth, defended for his security, and preserved for his wellbeing. Hence, sunyabuddhi is dedicated to assisting and serving all those who in their aspiration to grow, may find such a commitment helpful, practicable, or beneficial.

I would also like to take this opportunity to encourage everyone who may be interested to make use of the forum. To create a community, ask questions, provide answers, and start discussions of any kind. Matters relating to the daily problems of living, the arts, sciences, philosophies, and religions of the world, linguistics, theology, theosophy, ontology, cosmogony, kensho and satori, and things of that nature. For in this way we can teach each other and learn from one another, become better as friends and wiser as individuals.

Who am I, one may ask? I am responsible for the use and interpretation placed by others upon the words that I write and speak. Therefore, I will choose them with care, consider them in the light of my truest and highest intelligence, and send forth with each a prayer that it shall serve only the cause of good. I am not anything nor am I anyone and can only be as great as the weakest and worst parts within myself. Nothing more than a voice in the wilderness; nothing less than that which it bestows. Sent by my own soul; to send by my own authority. I bring no message of my own for I have none. I Interpret according to my own light that message which is eternally present. And the accomplishment of labor is the reward of labor.

Please feel free to contact me with any queries relating to anything I may have thought, said, written, or done that was in some way insufficient, or anything else which may be of importance to you. I will do my best in replying to any sincere correspondence in a timely manner, and to continue writing essays at reasonable intervals to benefit those who may find it valuable in some way.

Contact details can be readily located on the homepage.

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